Webfactor Interactive Platform

Factoring with a clic

BPER Factor's WIP® (Webfactoring Interactive Platform) solution allows our customers to digitally manage all of their operations with document and information sharing thus reducing costs and time spent on managing their receivables. Using InfoCert's remote digital signature services makes the process fast and legally valid. Thanks to the digitization of the entire process, with WIP® it is possible to monitor the flow of information more easily.

Frequently asked questions

Anyone interested in factoring and in the other services offered by BPER Factor, be they suppliers interested in transferring or delegating the management of their customers' receivables to the Factor, or customers who would like to consolidate their relationship with their suppliers by letting them assign the receivables and accepting the transfer.

The WIP®platform allows for completing the transfer of receivables in a shorter time. It has all the formal guarantees necessary for legal validity, and it minimizes the flow of paper, reducing the costs and risks of error inherent in with paper data.

If you are already a customer, you can contact your local commercial branch or you can call the WIP Help Desk. Our commercial branches are also available to show you the main features and functions through a demo.

If you are looking for more information