
LIABILITY management

Areas of intervention

Debts vs Suppliers

It is a tool aimed at helping the financial relationships between a client company (buyer) and its suppliers, with mutual benefits.
Through the web factoring platform (WIP®) the buyer can upload its invoices, confirming that they will pay them by the due date. This allows their suppliers to sell their receivables to BPER Factor with an immediate and definitive collection upon said receivables.
The supplier receives an e-mail invitation to connect to the WIP® platform, where he or she can check the assignment receivables and enact their immediate collection, giving the possible confirmation to proceed with the process.
The buyer gains his or her supplier's loyalty and has the opportunity to further defer its payments to BPER Factor.
All these processes take place through our online platform fast and easy, without the need to open new banking relationships.

Product Purpose


- Support the supply chain by facilitating access to credit - Grant the possibility of deferring invoice payments


- Optimize cash flows with the immediate and definitive collection of receivables and the consequent improvement of financial statements - Avoid using bank lines of credit


The costs are divided between the Buyer and Suppliers according to specific needs.

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BPER Factor - Confirming
This document is an advertisement for promotional purposes.
BPER Factor reserves the right to assess the credit standing in order to execute the transactions. For the contractual terms and conditions governing the factoring products available for the illustrated service please refer to the “Informative Sheets” at the customer’s disposal at all our Offices and on our website Offer valid until 31/12/25 unless extended or early closure.